Starting and succeeding at business
56% of people in France dream of starting their own business. 500,000 will already have taken that leap in 2009, with 200,000 of them choosing to be independent contractors.
With government support, implementation of independent contractor status and the Uberisation of society, business ownership has never looked so good. There have never been so many businesses created in France as now. 50% of the population dreams of running their own business.
And yet, how does one really become a business owner?
Can profitability, security and independence be reconciled?
This book, written by Louis LE DUFF and Hervé Novelli (former Secretary of State for Business, Crafts and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), answers these questions by indicating the paths that can lead to success.
There are several ways of owning your own business:
- through inheritance, which is sometimes viewed as a vocation;
- through invention and creation, often the result of passion and perseverance;
- through taking over an existing business – many chefs want to buy outmoded businesses;
- through franchise and affiliation, a proven system that increases the likelihood of success;
- through self-entrepreneurship, a new route that lets you attempt the adventure in stages.
The book illustrates these various situations, based on specific examples and people from the world of business, such as Alain Afflelou, Yves Rocher, Edouard Leclerc, the Guillemot brothers (Ubisoft), Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet (PriceMinister), Dan Sarfaty (Viadeo), Olivier Saguez (Saguez & Partners), Maurice Levy (Publicis), Philippe Bloch (Colombus Café), Guillaume Poitrinal (Unibail-Rodamco) and Rik de Nolf (L’Express-Roularta). The book is divided into three parts, each dedicated to the main paths that lead to professional independence:
- Business creators:
Who are they? Why not you?
Portraits of successful business owners;
A practical guide for business creators.
- Independent contractors:
How to transform your talent into money;
Portraits of successful independent contractors;
A practical guide for independent contractors.
- Franchisees:
Franchiser and franchisee, growing together;
Portraits of successful franchisees and subscribers;
A practical guide for franchisees.
A comprehensive book that allows the many people who want to start a business to dare to take the leap and to succeed.