Franchising success
Business creation has never been so popular in France. Around 1 in 3 French people over 18 has started their own business at some point in their lives.
Of course, many of these fail, but among those launched, franchisees are twice as likely to pass the 2-year mark. It is therefore not surprising that one-third of all aspiring entrepreneurs are looking to join a franchise to become their own boss.
The franchise model is attractive, tempting and often promising, but before taking this step, it’s best to know the pitfalls as well as the benefits.
How to succeed confidently and still find time to enjoy personal, family and social life?
In this book, written in conjunction with Yannick Le Bourdonnec, Louis LE DUFF demonstrates that franchising is a relevant means to support your entrepreneurial project and balance success with security, profitability and independence.
His demonstration is backed by specific examples: Paul Dubrule and Gérard Pélisson of the Accor Group, Alain Afflelous, Jacques Dessange, Edouard Leclerc, Geneviève Lethu, Yves Rocher and, of course, Louis LE DUFF himself.
The book sets out the paths taken by these major franchisers and analyses their successes.
The second part of the book is a guide for anyone looking to start their adventure.
Advice is given in chapters such as:
- Entrepreneurs, what is your secret?
- Success? Yes, and yet!
- The franchise route;
- Guidelines for franchise applicants or preparing for a partnership.
In this way, Louis LE DUFF makes his experience available to readers, revealing the mechanisms that lead to success. It is a subject he knows well, as, for his PhD in Management Sciences, he wrote his thesis on ‘the driving forces of franchises’.